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Legal Self Help Page

Welcome to Nebraskans for Family (NFF is a Shared Parenting Organization)

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ProSe - Litigant Resource Page
Representing yourself in court (Provided by the Nebraska Supreme Court)

This "virtual" Self-Help Center has information and links to legal resources to help you represent yourself in Nebraska Courts.

The information here is not a substitute for legal advice. You should to talk with a lawyer licensed to practice law in Nebraska to get legal advice on your issue. See disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
Self Help Desk (Omaha and Lincoln)
  • Appeal to the Supreme Court/Court of Appeals
  • Child Support and Visitation
    • Child Support Termination
    • Enforcement of Child Support Order(s)
    • Enforcement of Visitation Order(s)
  • Divorce
  • Forms
  • Name Change
  • Overview of the State Court System (Citizen's Guide to Nebraska Courts)
  • Protection Orders for Abuse or Harassment
  • Settle Out of Court
  • Temporary Delegation of Parental Powers

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