Welcome to Nebraskans for Family (NFF is a Shared Parenting Organization)

(402) 391-DADS (3237)

Rob Watson

(402) 391-3237

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Nebraskans for Family's mission is to improve the current treatment that most devoted and dedicated parents across the State of Nebraska encounter every day as they enter into the divorce or child custody process. In an attempt to accomplish our mission.

Texas Family Law Bibliography
(33rd Edition)

(every resource you can imagine for family law in

Rethinking Fathers Rights - Newsweek

Alec Baldwin interviews on Parental Alientation Syndrome.

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2
Buy the Book

Review of Taken into Custody
(book by Stephen Baskerville)

A major academic review  of Taken Into Custody  has just been published by the American Psychological Association.  PsycCRITIQUES is the APA's principal book review and the biggest review in the field of academic psychology.  This is major respectability in the academic world. Though the APA is often pervaded by feminist bias, the review is entirely positive. Copyright restrictions prevent circulating the full review, but excerpts are below.  It is online here  but only for a fee (though more excerpts are in a free abstract).  Those with access to universities or other institutions may be able to gain access.  In fact, some local public libraries subscribe to these research databases. 

Nebraska Supreme Court says state erred in family meddling

LINCOLN — A child welfare worker who wrongfully talked a Kimball, Neb., man into giving up his daughter for adoption must pay damages to the girl, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled

See/Download the actual opinion
Opinion Here

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Nebraskans for Family's mission is to improve the current treatment that most devoted and dedicated parents across the State of Nebraska encounter every day as they enter into the divorce or child custody process.

We are a shared parenting organization and I personally believe that you will only "win" at the point that you and your child's parent can cooperate. Some people will never allow themselves to put their children first and those parents are lost. Please don't be that person and don't call us if you simply want to beat your ex. We are here to help your children. Not you. - Rob

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