Welcome to Nebraskans for Family (NFF is a Shared Parenting Organization)

(402) 391-DADS (3237)

Free Legal Services in Nebraska

Self Help Desk Program.
The Self-Help Desk makes available correct and current information on Nebraska law and court proceedings in family law matters such as divorce, child custody, support, and visitation.


State Library. Located in the Nebraska State Capitol, open to the public. (Your local library may also be of assistance to you.)

Nebraska Office of Dispute Resolution-approved mediation centers throughout the State. Nebraska has six (6) mediation centers located throughout the state to assist individuals with various disputes. If you would like to try mediation, contact a center near you.

Legal Aid of Nebraska. Provides legal aid to low income persons in non-criminal cases. Access line: 877-250-2016.

The Nebraska State Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project. The Volunteer Lawyers Project is a Statewide volunteer legal services project and referral network founded on the belief that all citizens should have access to the legal system, regardless of ability to pay.