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Nebraska Parenting Act

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Nebraska Parenting Act


Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2924

43-2924. Applicability of act . (1) The Parenting Act shall apply to proceedings
or modifications filed on or after January 1, 2008, in which parenting ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2943
43-2943. Rules; Parenting Act Fund; created; use; investment. (1) The State Court Administrator may develop rules to implement the Parenting Act . ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2941
... plan shall be subject to the Uniform Mediation Act and the Dispute Resolution Act , to the extent such acts are not in conflict with the Parenting Act . ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 42-364
... parenting time, visitation, or other access, the parties and their counsel, if
represented, shall develop a parenting plan as provided in the Parenting Act . ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2922
43-2922. Terms, defined. For purposes of the Parenting Act : (1) Appropriate
means reflective of the developmental abilities of the ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2925
... (2) In any proceeding under Chapter 42 and the Parenting Act in which the parenting functions for a child are at issue, subsequent to the filing of such ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2939
43-2939. Parenting Act mediator; duties; conflict of interest; report of
child abuse or neglect; termination of mediation. (1) A ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2937
... program. The State Court Administrator's office shall develop a process
to approve mediators under the Parenting Act . (2) Prior ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2928
... (1) The court shall order all parties to a proceeding under the Parenting
Act to attend a basic level parenting education course. ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2933
... parenting time, visitation, or other access with, a child if the person is required
to be registered as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2938
... (1) A mediator under the Parenting Act may be a court conciliation program ... (b) Meeting
the minimum standards for a Parenting Act mediator under this section; ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2940
... (1) Mediation of cases under the Parenting Act shall be governed by uniform
standards of practice adopted by the State Court Administrator. ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2935
... After a hearing on the record, the court shall determine whether the submitted
parenting plan meets all of the requirements of the Parenting Act and is in the ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2935
... After a hearing on the record, the court shall determine whether the submitted
parenting plan meets all of the requirements of the Parenting Act and is in the ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2932
... in subsection (1) of this section has the burden of proving that legal or physical
custody, parenting time, visitation ... Child Protection Act , see section 28-710.

Nebraska Revised Statutes 42-353
... of birth of each child whose custody or welfare may be affected by the proceedings and whether (a) a parenting plan as provided in the Parenting Act has been ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2929
... When a parenting plan has not been developed and submitted to the court, the court shall create the parenting plan in accordance with the Parenting Act . ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2923
... and involved in parenting with safe, appropriate, continuing quality contact between children and their families when they have shown the ability to act in the

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2927
... (1) Mediators involved in proceedings under the Parenting Act shall participate in training approved by the State Court Administrator to recognize child abuse ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-1411.01
... of parental rights is placed in issue in any case arising under sections 43-1401
to 43-1418, subsection (5) of section 42-364 and the Parenting Act shall apply ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2926
... shall create an information sheet for parties in a proceeding in which parenting
functions for a child are at issue under the Parenting Act that includes ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 33-107.02
... Fifteen dollars shall be credited to the Legal Aid and Services Fund, and
fifty dollars shall be credited to the Parenting Act Fund. ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-2920
43-2920. Act , how cited. Sections 43-2920 to 43-2943 shall be known and may
be cited as the Parenting Act . Source:Laws 2007, LB554, § 1.

Nebraska Revised Statutes 33-106.03
... be remitted to the State Treasurer who shall credit twenty-five dollars to the Nebraska Child Abuse Prevention Fund and fifty dollars to the Parenting Act Fund ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 42-351
... proceedings under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act . ... to provide for such orders regarding support, custody, parenting time, visitation ...

Nebraska Revised Statutes 43-247
... court has jurisdiction of any juvenile who has committed an act other than ... Petition must allege that the parent's poor parenting skills adversely affected the


_______________________ FORMS RELATED TO THE PARENTIG ACT_______________________

The full compliment of parenting act forms have now been uploaded to the Judicial Branch Web site.  

Forms can be found on the Judicial Branch Web site under the horizontal menu "Court Community" under "Forms - Official Court" or at the following link: forms/index.shtml

(If the link does not function, please copy-paste the link into your address bar: forms/index.shtml )

Please note that the parenting plan forms are in the process of being updated and will have the work "SAMPLE" removed with the next rewrite.

Forms are as follows:


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