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Nebraskans for Family -

Welcome to Nebraskans for Family (NFF is a Shared Parenting Organization)

(402) 391-DADS (3237)


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Lectures and Symposiums
Nebraskans for Family will be hosting a symposium on the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines on Friday, October 3rd 2008 at 6:30 p.m.

Nebraskans for Family will be hosting a symposium on Nebraska child support guidelines and related topics.

Local family law attorney Amy Geren will be our guest presenter.

Amy will be covering:

1. Support calculations without the computer program.
2. Earning capacity versus actual earnings.
3. Modifications and material changes.
4. Subsequently born children as a basis to modify.
5. What the Referees do.
6. Retroactivity of support increases or reductions.

Location: The symposium will be held in room #5062 at the Teachers Administration Building which is the old Tech High school.
It is located at 3215 Cuming Street.

Time Friday, October 3, 2023
6:30 pm.

*** REMEMBER: Without accurate information, you are powerless and without rights.


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