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 Saturday, March 05 2005 @ 06:39 PM Central Standard Time

'Family Rights' Radio Network Begins Broadcast: An Historic Event for the Family Movement


Last weekend I had the opportunity to visit the krights studio in Texas and I spent the day talking with Richar Farr. This is a fantastic show and I encourage all of our members to visit their website and listen to the show. Click the read more link below to read an article on Mr. Farr and krightsradio.

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Spiderman Acquitted Again!


A London jury again acquitted David Chick, 37, of causing a public nuisance.

Chick had climbed the enormous 450 ft-high ferris wheel known as the London Eye and spent 18 hours on top because he had been prevented from seeing his daughter for 18 months. He displayed a 20-ft banner reading �In the Name of the Children.� Close to 20,000 people were prevented from visiting the attraction after police closed it down during the protest.

You may recall that Mr. Chick was acquitted last fall after a world-famous six-day protest atop a 150 foot crane near the Tower of London. That demonstration snarled traffic for miles in every direction.

Mr. Chick is a father who has a court order for parenting time (�visitation�), but his ex has consistently thwarted his efforts to see his daughter. Although he has been back to court numerous times, the court has consistently failed to enforce its own orders.

I cannot help believing that juries of ordinary people are acquitting this man because they sympathize with his plight and resent the failure of the court to protect his daughter�s right to see him.

Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S.
Fathers & Families

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Good Job....LB 654 Sent to General File


March 1st the judiciary committee passed LB 654 (presumption of joint legal custody) by a vote of 6=For, 1 =Abstaining, 1=Absent.

Great job to those of you who showed up to testify...

Keep it up..

Most Recent Post: 03/04 03:23PM by watson

Grants in Texas to Help Non-Custodial Parents


February 23, 2024

Attorney General Greg Abbott Announces Visitation Grants To Strengthen Families-11 groups statewide receive funds to help parents who live apart from their children.

(Would Nebraska consider such a plan? - Ernie)

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Man shot in Texas


Tyler Shooting Suspect's Motive Believed To Be A Custody Battle

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Man Ordered to Pay Support for a Child that Doesn't Exist.


Click Here for the Story

Most Recent Post: 02/27 10:53PM by ejkubr

Nebraska Collects Child Support From Dead Men

Child Support From Dead Man?
State Tries To Collect Child Support From Dead Man's Wife

POSTED: 5:27 pm CST February 18, 2024
UPDATED: 5:41 pm CST February 18, 2024

OMAHA, Neb. -- The state of Nebraska is trying to collect child support
from a dead man.

This is not child support he owed when he was still alive, but instead,
the debt accumulated after he died.

For the complete text of this copyrighted article go to the link above.

Most Recent Post: 02/24 08:18PM by Roos_pa

AP article in GI and Lincoln papers


Lincoln- Lawmakers dicussed two measures Thursday dealing with the contentious issue of what happens to kids when parents get divorced.

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Omaha World Herald Reports on LB 128


LINCOLN - If Ernie Huber doesn't pay his child support, he knows he will be penalized.

By one count, Nebraska law offers 13 possible penalties for dead-beat parents.

But when his former wife refuses to let him see his children, he has only one recourse - to ask a judge to require her to honor an already valid court visitation order.

"I can't afford to keep doing that," he told members of the Nebraska Legislature's judiciary committee Thursday.

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2/15/05 meeting information (as promised)


Click on "read More" to see the information promised at the 2/15/05 meeting, such as Judiciary Committee address, links to bills, tv show forum.

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LB 322... A New threat to Nebraska Families

Sen. DiAnna Schimek has introduced a bill, LB 322 presumably at the request of Tara Muir and the Domestic Violence grant jockeys which will expand abuse to include economic abuse (not defined), intimidation (not defined), isolation (not defined) and best of all "neglect of an animal".

Anyone (actually, any male) who has ever been accused of such a thing at any point in the past against an" intimate partner" (in case you don't understand what that means, it is a gay/lesbian rights term used to replace the words husband, wife, family member, significant other) will not be able to fight for custody and visitation with their children and the address of the mother and children will be hidden. Just so this is clear, the mother doesn't have to be the actual victim and the father need not be the abuser. If an ex-girlfriend of yours claims that you forgot to feed her cat, the victimization of the cat is transferred to the ex-girlfriend and at any time the ex girlfriend may assign her victimization via the cat to another person, likely your ex-wife. You will not be eligible for custody or visitation because by default the mother can yet again assign her victimization, via the cat and ex girlfriend to the children.

Another example: The bill states that whether or not visitation is ordered, the victim may conceal her address from the father of the children. Lets assume that your ex wife is abused by her current boyfriend. For the sake of argument lets say that he asks her for change when he gives her money to buy something (yes, that's an actual example of economic abuse straight from the Domestic Violence crew). Now he has become an abuser and she has certainly become a card carrying victim. She can have the court seal the address and contact information of your children because she is labeled "victim". In other words, mom can stop your visitation by claiming that some other person has victimized her.

Since the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services claims that a woman's boyfriend is twice as likely to kill her child than the childs father (Child Death Review Report 1996-2001, page 45 ), it is undeniable that this bill is not an attempt to protect children. There is no mention of denying a woman custody or visitation if she insists on living with and exposing her children to an "abuser. LB 322 is designed to be used as a stick with which vindictive and abusive women can pound their children, former partners, and the legal system.


I could go on and on...please just read it yourselves HERE

If you want to let the good senator how much you love her bill email her or use the info below.

Room 1114, State Capitol,
Lincoln, NE 68509
phone (402) 471-2632
fax (402) 479-0927

Take it easy on her, she was probably just conned into signing this piece of garbage.

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