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 Wednesday, March 16 2005 @ 08:29 AM Central Standard Time

Letter to editor in Grand Island paper


Letter in Grand Island Independent

A letter to the editor ran yesterday in the GI Independent about LB654, Charlotte Evans of Adams said she thought the bill was crazy, because it just does not make sense to make parents make decisions together in a childs life. She went on to say that Judges know best and that we must respect the judicial experts. She talks about how emotional and mental abuse will prevail and the abusers use the children to control the victims. I think we need to fire back some letters in support of this bill. I know I am going to.

Letters to the Editor
PO Box 1208
Grand Island, NE 68802
fax 308-382-8129
[email protected]

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Letter to editor in Grand Island paper
Authored by: Admin on Friday, March 11 2005 @ 01:20 PM Central Standard Time
Regarding Ms. Evans' letter about LB 654 being bad for children....

Nebraska state law says that the sex of either parent can not be considered as a factor in determinig the best interests of a child in a custody case. Yet over 90% of contested custody cases in Nebraska are decided in the Mothers' favor. How Mrs. Evans can possibly think that leaving the custody decisions in the hands of Judges who have already proven themselves to be uncabable of being unbiased, is better than a law to make joint legal custody the norm, is beyond me.

Many Women complain about their children's Fathers being deadbeats, and rightfully so in some cases. So it makes me wonder what their true motives are when some Mothers have ex-husbands or boyfriends who DO want to be a part of their mutual children's lives, when they don't want the Fathers to share custody. I think if you dig deeper, you'll find the real abuser, is the controlling ex-wife, who suddenly finds herself in a state appointed position of controlling when a man can see his children, all the while enjoying the benefits of his hard work, in the guise of child support.

LB 654 seeks to level the playing field for both parents and remove the power of either parent to emotionally control or abuse the other parent. Mrs. Evans should be elated that there are people like us trying to clean up her mess.

G Curtis Morehouse
President & Co-founder
Fathers' Rights of Nebraska
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