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 Welcome to Fathers Rights of Nebraska
 Saturday, March 12 2005 @ 04:10 AM Central Standard Time

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The Fathers' Rights of Nebraska Forum went online on 12/28/2004 and will be a meeting place for those who want to discuss anything related to Equal Rights as they relate to Parents. Enjoy!

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Authored by: John & Jodi on Thursday, December 30 2004 @ 11:29 AM Central Standard Time
We have been hearing a PSA on the radio about shaking babies. It says " A Father will shake a baby...." We think it is crap to blame fathers, and feel the wording should be changed. I called around and got a number to a person in Lincoln to call about this, she is not in until Tues, but if we call her maybe it will be changed. Call:
she is a Public Info Officer with HHS
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