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 Saturday, March 12 2005 @ 03:49 AM Central Standard Time

Scared of Christmas


Christmas is fast approaching, and with the holiday, for me, comes another reason to worry. Last year, on Christmas Eve morning, I arrived at my Daughter's Mother's house to pick her up for the day. According to the court order I live by, Christmas Eve was "my holiday" that year. I had made arrangements over the phone with Mom to pick our Daughter up at 7 AM, keep her for the day, and wait for Mom to pick her up sometime before bed time. When I arrived at Mom's house, at precisely 7 AM, I rang the doorbell and waited in the cold. I had a feeling that my day was about to turn into a nightmare. I had started carrying my video camera in my truck a few months prior, and thought it might be a good thing to start filiming. Maybe if my day was as terrible as I felt it would be, I would at least be able to show the world what some parents go through. I returned to my truck, got my camera, an started filming. The whole thing is on tape, from ringing the doorbell numerous times without a response, to my phonecall to the Sheriff, to the Sheriffs explaining to her how what she was doing was hurting our Daughter. the Deputy told me I needed to get my decree registered in Iowa in order for them to be able to enforce it. I left to go do that, and Mom left with our Daughter shortly after. I ran into Judge William Zastera in the hallway of the Sarpy County Courthouse. I thought that he would not talk to me about my case, but approached him anyways. I wouldn't let 'not trying' stop me from spending Christmas Eve with my Daughter. To my surprise, Judge Zastera told me to explain what was going on, and after I did, he told me, "You get her here on contempt charges, and if what you say is true, I'll find her in contempt and put her in jail. Do you know who gets the child when her Mom goes to jail? You do. I'm an equal opportunity jailer."

Invigorated by the Judges words, I spent the rest of the day explaining to my family why Sydney was not with me, but that I would finally get some justice. I went to the Creighton Law Library and figured out how to file a contempt order. I filed the papers and got a court date. I hired Mike Lustgarten for my attorney, and went to court. Judge Zastera listened to the case, looking annoyed the entire time, and in the end, found Mom in contempt of court. My heart raced as I waited for justice. How long would she go to jail? $250.00 fine and no attorney's fees. I paid $1600.00 to my lawyer to have Judge Zastera break his word, and sentence Mom to a measley $250.00 fine and the worst part, NO MAKEUP VISITATION WAS ORDERED!

So this year Christmas gets my blood pumping, as I wait to see if the ex will follow the court order, or whether she will again break the order, knowing that there is no punishment for females in Zastera's court.

I support whoever is doing the website, but I certainly understand why someone is fed up with him.

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Scared of Christmas | 9 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:04 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:05 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:09 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:13 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:16 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, December 24 2004 @ 05:18 PM Central Standard Time
Curt, I hope you were able to see your daughter today and enjoy the time that you deserve with her. Time is so precious when it is spent with your children, especially when you only get to see them every other weekend or whenever the law allows. Be thankful during this holiday season and let us keep the good fight for all our children, so that someday all of us can share equally in their lives as a loving, giving and caring parent. God Bless
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Rich King on Thursday, December 30 2004 @ 07:29 PM Central Standard Time
You'll find all judges are the same. The successful contempt charge is a huge victory. It' in the books.
Document EVERYTHING. Not just on paper. The written logs everyone tells you to keep amount to your word against hers in court. Record all calls. Video everything. Your lawyer isn't a hero. He can't do anything if you don't have evidence, and then almost any lawyer will do.
My oldest child died in an accident in 1990. I now have 3 daughters with my ex, and she refuses visits at will with no repercutions. I know all about Christmas......Good luck
Scared of Christmas
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, January 01 2005 @ 09:42 PM Central Standard Time
I had just about the same problems myself in 1990 , but I knew the mom & grandmother were not easy women to deal with. Since my visitation order was a Douglas County District Court Order - I contacted the Douglas County Sherrifs office Christmas morning 1990 - I had a deputy meet me in Douglas County - but outside Omaha Police District - Since the Omaha Police can only inforce a County Court Order and not a District Court order. The deputy followed me a few blocks into Omaha. He rang the doorbell - gave grandma & mom - 10 minutes to get my 1 year old twins togetherand ready - or else he was going to take the mom to jail and he told her he didn't care if it was christmas or not. The kids came out 10 minutes later - in there PJ's - I did have a great holiday with my kids then. To date - I had alot of attoneys - been to Nebraka Supreme Courts of Appeals , spent way over $100,000 - Brought the mother in on 13 contempts - Nothing every really happened - but the 13th time - She didn't show up and Judge Ashford issured a Bench Warrent for her arrest - When she did show up - he yelled at her and her attorney - to the point her attorney cried. Gave her a 30 day jail sentenced - to be followed by a 90 day probation period. Made her pay my $750 attorneys fee. Well to say - she was a good girl durning this time. My twins are 15 years old now - and they both know how bad their mom screwed up things. it is nice that they are old enough to know better and tell their mother off now (makes me proud). It does pay being the better parent in the long run. Also wanted to say - this mother - that I've had 15 years of f*c*ing problems with is your cousin: Charlene. P.S. -- Curt please make sure that Charlene or my twins gets no part of the truck-line. Since that was her main reason not to let my children carry my last name. I only hope and pray that everything ends up with you and your imidate family. P.S.S. - You can say Hi - to your Dad & Grandparents from me. They are good people!
  • Scared of Christmas - Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, February 03 2005 @ 02:36 PM Central Standard Time
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